Your sewing machine can do much more than just sewing. These possibilities, in fact, can often surprise even some of the most advanced seamstresses! So join us here as we…
Send your dogs out in style! Our designer ‘madmonkeyknits’ creates adorable dog onesie patterns, so we got in touch with her to find out more about these cute knitted dog…
Coffee filter flowers are the perfect DIY crafting project to enjoy together with your children. It’s so much fun to watch the colour of the felt-tip ink spread across your…
Every seamstress tells a special story… We asked our followers on our french Makerist Facebook page Salon de la Couture, if they had any sewing-related tattoos: needles made by needles!…
There are plenty of tips in our sewing box! With our new sewing tricks, you will be perfectly prepared for every challenge! Here we go! THESE 10 SEWING TRICKS WILL…
Yarn reels, scissors, fabric and needles – these are just a few of the things that can make a sewing room cluttered very quickly. So that you can tackle your…
Finding it difficult to unwind? Knitting may be the cure! Many of you probably have very busy lives between work and family. Or perhaps you are the total opposite –…
Looking for some beginner sewing patterns? We understand that sewing can be a little daunting to begin with, but we promise that you will pick it up fast with these…
It’s the best feeling to go and buy a new dress for a special occasion. How about sewing one yourself? With these easy to follow sewing patterns for dresses you…